Want to Know What a New Car is Worth?


When you’re looking to purchase a car it can be sometimes difficult to figure out what price to settle for. In fact, if it’s your first time buying a new car it can be really daunting to know what to offer the new car dealer. If you offer the wrong amount, you can not get taken seriously, or even worse … Continue reading

Top 10 things to remember when buying a car


There are a ton of new car buying tips out there but as with all things, some are better than others. Most of the car buying tips you’ll find are about finding the best price possible, but really that’s just scratching the surface. After all, you want the best accessories, additions and insurance that you can find. You can find … Continue reading

Car Dealer Scams – Car Leasing


Lots of people agree that car leasing is the more attractive option when you need to get a new car… but are they wrong? There are certainly advantages to car leasing – but only if you don’t get sucked into a car dealer scam in the process… and the truth is: a lot of people get a crummy deal. Leasing … Continue reading

How to test drive a used car


Test driving a new car is one of the fastest ways to learn about a car. You can quickly determine if the car is worth your time to check out mechanically. There are of course a few common problems that you need to look for when test driving a car. The first stage of your used car test drive should … Continue reading

Car Dealer Scams – The Dealer Prep Fee


If you’ve dealt with a car dealership, then you know about how many fees there are when buying a car. Sometimes, there are so many fees that it can be confusing to know which ones are really legit. One such fee is the dealer prep fee. The dealer prep fee is a scam… plain and simple. Here’s why: