When people talk about earning “extra cash,” I always smirk. I mean, is any cash really “extra,” especially in this economy? More likely, people want to earn “essential cash” to cover the various financial needs we all face. Some of us just wish we had a little more money to enjoy a nice dinner out every once in awhile, or … Continue reading
Category Archives: Car Buying Tips
Tips for Buying a Used SUV

You can get some great deals if you try to buy vehicles second hand, especially in the SUV market. Whether you’re looking for a vehicle to carry you around town with some weight, or an off road vehicle that can take you places any normal car can’t, an SUV is a super fun vehicle with a lot of perks. There … Continue reading
7 Common Mistakes when Buying a Used Car

A new car’s value depreciates tremendously in the first few years of ownership, so buying a used car can save you a lot of money. There are still some pitfalls that you can fall into however when buying used vehicles that you need to watch out for. The key to getting the best value is to avoid money-wasting mistakes. Many … Continue reading
Green Car Insurance – Economical and Environmentally Friendly

More and more people are becoming concerned about the environment and if you are a car owner you should definitely be thinking about ways to be more eco-friendly. Car engines release carbon dioxide and other pollutants which are bad for the planet. Why not think about investing in a greener car? Not only can this help you to reduce your … Continue reading
Get a Smokin’ Deal with Online Car Auctions

With the tough economy, there are many car buyers turning to the purchase of used vehicles, and some of the best used auto purchases are found through the car auctions. Second hand vehicles can be first rate vehicles, and the advantage is that they have a lower price tag. In many ways, it is a smarter way to purchase a … Continue reading
Things to Consider when Buying a New RV

The joy of the open road and hours of uninterrupted, high-quality vacation time are found at last! RVing has seen a renaissance in the last decade, as everyone from corporate executives to the lowliest mail room clerks rediscover the vacation spots found right here on our own native soil. Sure, there will always be those who swear by traveling in … Continue reading
US Government Car Auctions: Find Them and Get the Best Deal

Government car auctions are a great means to pick up a second-hand vehicle at a fraction of the cost. The trick is to know where to find these government car auctions, how to know the tricks to get a good deal, and what to look for, which is everything you will learn from this article. The following will detail specific … Continue reading
Adventures of Car Buying and Selling

Everyone has different experiences while shopping for a car. Some end successfully while others walk away empty handed. I was recently in the market for a new car and decided to do some research of my own. I wanted to focus on the buying/selling experience from the perspectives of both a car salesman and a car buyer. The accounts of … Continue reading
Car Repair Insurance, Especially For Secondhand Cars

Car repair insurance is very similar to new vehicle warranties, except it is strictly for used cars. Depending on the repair coverage plan, the insurance company will pay for the repairs/replacement of parts on used vehicles. Cheap auto insurance quotes for repair plans should be obtained prior to finalizing a used car purchase, as plans vary from company to company. … Continue reading
Online Drivers Education in California

Learning to drive can really be a stressful time in a young person’s life. Not only are you considering making a very substantial purchase (your new car) but also you’re going to incur additional monthly costs of maintenance, insurance and gas. To top it all off, you don’t want to start your driving life with an accident that can set … Continue reading